

It's considered the number one short-term risk of 2024 according to the World Economic Forum: disinformation. This only shows the significance of promoting an effective fact-based communication to counteract the dangers of misinformation. In its quest to leverage the potentials of communication for a better future, the Toni Piëch Foundation (TPF) now supports the implementation of an international narrative and storytelling working group for the built environment by the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance (CNCA).


The CNCA intends to bring together communication and built environment professionals to create better narratives and messaging about the impact and prospects of decarbonizing buildings and construction. The audience-tailored narratives are intended to lead to effective communicative approaches for future use in public, policy, industry and the press when the built environment is being discussed. For this initiative, the CNCA can draw on its expertise in climate communication and its network of members and partners.


Often existing solutions for a range of problems in the built environment remain unknown to the broader public, in rural as well as in urban areas. Numerous chances to increase individuals' standards of living by making changes in their own built environment remain unseen. This makes a more human-centered approach all the more relevant: addressing solutions to counteract climate change in a way that presents facts understandably and shows the impact it has on everyone’s life. This is more likely to increase not only interest in but also the engagement for sustainable solutions. It's also why the Toni Piëch Foundation has declared communication and storytelling to be one of its main areas of intervention, making the CNCA project a perfect fit.

CNCA’S aim is to reach the public, enabling informed choices towards carbon neutral living.