The Toni Piëch Foundation (TPF) has published its annual report for 2023. If you are curious about the foundation’s work in its first fully operational year, you can download the full report below. It covers the substantial progress made by several of the foundation’s ongoing projects, from the traction gained by the Correctiv project to Bauhaus Earth’s well-received fact sheets on the future of construction or ETH Zürich’s first City Energy Analyst (CEA) User Meeting.
It also reports on the commitment to new projects such as local city workshops to be hosted together with Bauhaus Earth in Cape Town as well as the consolidation of the foundation’s operations and its networking efforts. The year 2023 shows how TPF has positioned itself as an important voice in storytelling and communication of the built environment transition – and how further devoting a substantial amount of time into research within the built environment and the renewable energy sector is seen as imperative to take well-informed decisions on grant-making and for identifying those areas where the foundation’s approach of seed-granting could make a difference.
Everything on operations, core beliefs, key activities in 2023 and endeavors to come can be found in the new annual report – ready to be downloaded here.